Going all the Way

Posted by Lori Sams, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized, Tags: , , , ,

Matthew 2:1-12

We believe the eastern land that the wise men came from was Persia.  The country of Persia believed in one God and not in idols.  The wise men were astrologers who studied the stars and looked to heavens for the answers.  Some of us remember as children laying out in the yard to look at the stars.   The astrologers had a reason to looking in the heavens.   They were looking for something to happen and one night they saw a bright new star.   And the star was moving.  The believed it would lead them to a new born King.   They believed this new king would come to forgive sins.   They made the commitment to follow that star   They loaded the camels and away they went.   They did not know how long they would be gone.   Maybe others did not believe they would truly carry through to where that star took them.  They traveled for many months-over a year.  These wise men believed and were committed to go all the way.   They had to travel at night in order to see the star.    They took 3 gifts that were worthy of a king.   We don’t know if they realized what these gifts would signify.  The gold would speak to the deity  of this Child. The Frankincense would speak of His ministry.    The myrrh would speak of His death.

What about our own lives?  Have we made that kind commitment in our relationship with the Lord?   Have we committed to go all the way?   Have we committed to serve Him and not quit?  The wise men were committed to go wherever the star would lead them.   They traveled to Jerusalem but the star stopped shining.  They went to the religious leaders for information.   The religious leaders knew that the Saviour would be born in the city of David-Bethlehem.   The star reappeared as they left Jerusalem to Bethlehem-right to the house where Jesus and Mary were.   Mary and Joseph had been able to find a place to live.   The wise men bowed down to worship the child King of King and gave him the gifts they brought.

Do we put Christ first in our lives?    Do we worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords with our whole heart?  Or do we let other things crowd out the time we should be spending in worship? Do we show our love to Him?  How far will we go in serving the Lord?

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