Examine Yourself March 19, 2017

Posted by Lori Sams, With 0 Comments, Category: Uncategorized,

II Corinthians 13:5

We are examined all through our lives.   Newborn babies are examined by their mothers for assurance they are healthy and whole.  Doctors and dentists examine us.   Teachers examine us to ensure we are learning what we need to learn.

Paul challenges us in today’s scripture to examine ourselves.  How many times do we take the time to examine ourselves?    We are not talking about examining our physical selves.   Paul wants us to examine our hearts, our relationship with Christ, how we live our daily lives.  Can we pass the test of genuine faith or are we just talking about it or simply pretenders?  Many people in today’s world are pretenders.   How do we know if we are really in the faith-able to pass the test of genuine faith?

We are reminded in John 15:1-17 that in order to be ‘into the faith’ or pass the test of faith, we have to abide (or remain) in Jesus Christ.  We can do nothing without Him.   We have to be willing to grow and let God prune us for His service.    Like staying on the beach because we are afraid of getting cold feet in the water, we can not be afraid to jump in and get involved.   God  will guide us and direct us.   Before long He will help us grow into what He is asking us to do.

We are to enjoy our salvation-not just endure it.   God does not want sour Christians.   Nehemiah 8:10 reminds us that the joy of the Lord is our strength.   We are to have good times together as Christians.  John 10:10 reminds us that Christ came to give us life abundantly.

Many people have never fully accepted Christ and given themselves fully to Him.   They have not learned what it means to trust and obey.   We are to obey His instructions.   We find His instructions in His word-the Bible.  We are to be ready to go where He leads us and do what He is leading us to do.

We are to fully examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith-able to pass the test of genuine faith.  Are we enjoying our salvation?   Are we willing to trust and obey?   Don’t be a pretender.  Serve the Lord and open your heart to Him.  Receive the gift of His salvation and follow Him.

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