Building Up the Church August 5, 2018

Posted by Lori Sams, With 0 Comments, Category: Message Summary,

  Ephesians 4: 4-13

We think of the church as being a building that we go to worship.   When Bible refers to the church as being the Bride of Christ, it is not referring to a church building.  The building is simply the structure we worship in.  The church is made up of the people who come together to worship God.   Simply put, the church is the people-not the building.  The church sends a message out to the community-inviting people to come to Christ.

Within the church God has given a special gift to each person.  Some are more visible than others but all have God-given gifts to use in building up the church.  Before we were born God decided which gifts he would give each of us to use in His kingdom.  In his letter to the Corinthians Paul gives the analogy of the different parts of the human body each having an important mission to carry out.   God has a plan for each of us.

In today’s scripture Paul reminds the church at Ephesus that not everyone has the same gift.   In the time that this letter was written the New Testament churches were blessed to have the Apostles to teach them.  Apostles were the men who spent time with Jesus, who has seen Jesus and learned from Him.   Paul was considered an apostle as well.   These apostles spent their lives teaching others about what Christ had taught them and spreading the Gospel message.    Then there are ministers.  They have the gift of speaking and preaching.  Some preach all over the world and many work in local churches and ministries.   Evangelists are given the gift of being able to bringing other’s to Christ.  They may not be ministers.   Billy Graham was not a minister of a local church.   Some are given the gift of caring for the flock.   They are Pastors-shepherding and teaching their local body of believers.   They care for their people.   Then there is the gift of helps.   Many people have this gift-the gift to be ready to help, to pray, to comfort and encourage each other.   When these gifts are exercised they complete the body of believers and show maturity in our Christian walk.  We will strive to be like Jesus, to be patient and understanding with each other.    We are constantly reminded that Christ gave His life for the church.   The church is His bride.

We are to build up the church-build up each other.   We can do that with God’s gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love.   Faith comes by studying God’s word and trusting in Him.  Faith builds each other up and as such builds up the church.   Hope is looking forward to the future and what is ahead of us.   As the Bride of Christ we have the blessed up of eternal life with Him.   When we share this hope we encourage others and build up the church.  Everything we do we are to do in love.   We are to act out of our love for God and to care for the things of God.   God is love.   It can be hard to understand that He created us out of love.   He sent His Son out of love.  Our salvation was purchased out of love.

With all that God has given us, what are we doing to build up His church?   What are we doing to encourage our fellow believers in this journey of life?   Can they see Christ in us?   What are we doing to serve Him?



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